Monday, December 05, 2005

10 weeks later- where is the shouting ?

It is 10 weeks past the election here in NZ and one wonders if all the political commentators have taken a holiday already. The only person still generating news is our tennis playing friend from down South ( don't think he really played the game) and the suit clad gentleman from Tauranga who is once again determined to spend his Ministerial salary on fighting a court case ! The so called "Opposition" do not appear to have got their claws into anything and have little policy options to put on the table.

So how did UF come out of the fray of September 17 - with only 3 MPs but with 15 major policies agreed to be developed and/or put in place during the term of this Government. Not bad really and a lot more clout than the lads in blue have (are there any lassies ?). So now it is heads down to turn these into something solid.

Also there is now the chance to claw some reason back into civil society- the first time comes this Wednesday with Gordon Copeland picking up Larry Baldock's Marriage Amendment (Gender Clarification) Bill in an attempt to get it to the Select Committee stage. Let us hope that we can put some pegs in the ground and stop the slide into a socially engineered jungle that will make King Kong's island look tame! On top of Manukau City's Prostitution Local Bill that should make 7December an interesting day in the House (or as a recently transplanted Invernessian pastor would call it - the Hoose!)

1 comment:

Swimming said...

I also have a few posts on the bill