Monday, July 18, 2005

Confused electorates ?

The latest polls show the country is very confused ! They want a change of Government but naturally don't prefer Don Brash as PM ! So we are going to have a National led Government with Helen Clark as PM ??? Very interesting- is this a new form of MMP that we never envisaged in 1993 ? This more than anything points out that we need to get away from the 2 major parties having such dominance after this election - if a budding PM knows he or she has to do a deal with a king or queen maker then their style of leadership may change somewhat. Don urgently needs the political pragmatism of Peter Dunne rather than the ebullient swashbuckling style of Winnie Peters to keep him honest and focussed- poor old Rodders is fast slipping off the radar- perhaps he could persuade Don to alter his List and let him in the backdoor at the last minute. So the next 10 weeks are going to keep us all guessing as we gaze over the inlet !

1 comment:

Rob Good said...

Rodney will succeed.... ACT will be back.